Marvin Flores Unger About

Marvin Flores Unger is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher. In his research-based practice, he deconstructs industrial processes and progress narratives, as well as the resulting realities of life, especially in peripheral, rural and digital environments. His artistic projects reflect on, melt and project alternative modes of being, which are presented in the form of spatial works, audiovisual installations and situations.

Completed projects include the hybrid outdoor installation Soft Talk in Utrecht/Netherlands and the audiovisual documentation Membranes as part of the exhibition GEO-DESIGN: COVID-19. Traveling without moving, both in 2020, and the amphibious object and performance Para Sites at the Current Festival 2021 in Stuttgart/Germany. In 2022, he showed an A.I.-generated video piece in the solo exhibition Post Motor City S at Oberwelt e.V.. He also co-initiated the experimental music festival New Normal 2022 at Kunstverein Wagenhalle e.V., featuring international musicians including Smerz, HHY & The Kampala Unit and Will Guthrie.

Unger was part of AMO, Rem Kohlhaas’ think tank, from autumn 2019 to spring 2020, where he was involved in the research and design of the exhibition Countryside, The Future at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City, NY/USA. In the summer of 2018, he assisted the paris-based design studio BLESS with the design and realization of the exhibition Neutra Dasein at the R. Neutra VDL House in Los Angeles, CA/USA.

Marvin Flores Unger was the recipient of a fellowship from the Stiftung Kunstfonds in 2022 and is a fellow of Akademie Schloss Solitude in the program art, science and business.


Contact Details

Instagram: @marvin_unger

Selection Exhibitions

08.12.23–10.12.23, Flying Carpet Shop, Group Exhibition, FRISE, Hamburg, Germany.

01.12.23, Winterfest mit Open Studios, Group Exhibition, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany.

16.11.23–26.11.23, Between Normals, Group Exhibition, S/ash Gallery, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

20.05.23–26.11.23, Open for Maintenance, ARCH+, Participation as Exhibition Design Support, Biennale Architettura 2023, Venice, Italy.

04.11.22–12.11.22, Post Motor City S, Solo Exhibition, Oberwelt e.V., Stuttgart, Germany.

12.09.21–19.09.21, Current Stuttgart, Group Exhibition, Neckarinsel, Stuttgart, Germany.

13.11.20–07.03.21, Living Apart Together, Group Exhibition, RAUM, Utrecht, Netherlands.

15.10.20–15.10.21, GEO—DESIGN: COVID-19. Travelling without moving., Design Academy Eindhoven, Group Exhibition, Online.

20.02.20–14.08.20, Countryside, The Future, AMO/OMA, Participation as Researcher and Exhibition Designer, S.R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City, NY/USA.

21.06.19, City Circles Amsterdam, Group Exhibition, WOW, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

28.07.18–08.09.18, N°63 Neutra Dasein, BLESS, Participation as Exhibition Designer/Production Assistance, Neutra VDL, Los Angeles, CA/USA.

21.06.17, Less automotive is more interesting, Group Exhibition, ENSCI – Les Ateliers, Paris, France.

12.04.16–17.04.16, Più di Pegoretti, Group Exhibition, Salone del Mobile 2016, Rossignoli, Milan, Italy.

Selection Stipends

01.06.23–31.05.24, Artist in Residence, Working Stipend, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany.

01.05.22–31.10.22, Post Motor City S, Working Stipend, Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn, Germany.

16.12.21–31.12.22, New Normal 2022, Project Fund, Impulsprogramm Kultur trotz Corona, Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany.

Selection Lectures

23.05.22, (Un)certain Future – collective Angst?, Architecture in the Age of Anxiety, IGmA, University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Selection Press

2020, Singleton, E.. (2020, November 14). GEO-DESIGN | DAMN° Magazine. DAMN° Magazine.

2020, Design Academy Eindhoven. (2020) GEO—DESIGN Exhibition Platform | Membranes.